Friday, 4 March 2011

How it Began...

just a quick note to fill in the gap so far as to what I've done on my flights to date. As there have been a few lessons I'l abbreviate it to the weather conditions visibility what skills were covered and generally how it went. Please bear with me as its going back in time and I'm struggling to remember things with all this new information I'm shoe horning into my fragile brain.
Flight 1 - 0.8 hrs - Trial Flight - Flight over Rmosey Lakes and finnish with a Hover challenge. All very happy, with and hovered better than ether I or Instructor expected
Flight 2 - 0.5 hrs - Trail Flight - Most time spent on Airfield doing hover skills, spot turns and first landing. Finished with circuit over romsey lakes then back into land
Flight 3 - 0.8 hrs - First Formal Lesson - Basic controls lesson. Managed to have full controls ahead of Instructors expectations and successful Hovering.  Introduction to level flight.
 Flight 4 - 0.9 hrs - Covered lessions 5 and some of 6. 26Knots wind, SW, Gusting. Covered hover and Taxiing. Full Controls. Speed changes,Flight from Hengisbury to sandbanks and back
Flight 5 - 1 hr - 26knots wind gusting 30knots, Cloud base 500', Drizzle. Full pre-flight checks, Hover skills, landings, take-offs, Attitude recovery to hover from manipulation from Gary (Eek!).Full Controls
Flight 6 - 1.1 hrs - 17 Knots wind, Patchy Cumulous cover.Full pre-flight checks,  Level flight, turns and speed changes. Flight from Hengisbury to Lymington and back. Controls heavy which affected hover skills and taxiing at end of flight
Flight 7 - 0.5 hrs - Helo Pick up from Engineers on airfield. Full pre-flight checks, twice. Flew with Nick to collect S300 from Engineers other side of airfield. Short lesson due to rain and failing light. Hover, Take-offs, landings, Taxiing
Flight 8 - 1 hr - Poor weather. Low cloud base 600' with 12 knots breeze NNE. Full pre-flight checks, Taxi to HTA, Hovering skills landing, take-offs, spot turns, reverse flight with and into wind. Square circuit around cones, hover taxi and final landing
Flight 9 - 1 hr - Mixed weather Cloud Base 1000' intermittent drizzle. 13knots wind WNW. Re visit hover skills, Lesson 10-transitions progressed to circuits. Full controls. Take off taxi and landing
Flight 10 - 0.7 hrs - Mixed weather Cloud Base 900' intermittent drizzle. 13knots wind WNW, gusty, intermittent showers. Lesson 11-transitions and circuits
Flight 11 - 1 hr - 12Knots wind gusting 14knots, NNW. Broken clouds with passing showers and turbulance. Take offs landings spot turns transitions and circuits. Full controls. High angle approaches. More advanced skills of Turning on the nose and turning on the Tail
Flight 12 - 1.1 hrs - 10Knots wind, NNW. Scattered clouds Less turbulance. Take offs landings spot turns transitions and cross wind transistions into circuits. High angle aproaches.  Lateral hovering, turning on the nose and Tail. Figure of 8's. Use of radio for first time.

So that is it so far with the Videos of Flights 11 & 12 in my last post. there will hopefully be another post this evening after todays flight. I'll try and record this one as well.

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