Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Still waiting...

.. Since the last post Ive flown twice. Yes I know Ive been pretty bad at keeping this up to date. A lot of other things going on in life that steals my time away.
Cloud Level below us to the left
The first of the flights was on the 10th November. A flight that was planned to go round the Isle of Wight and back to Bournemouth however the weather stopped us getting all the way round. A big fat cloud sat right over the island. An odd sensation to be in VFR but be above the layer of clouds to the south. To add insult to injury there was a small build up of water in the tubes which meant half way throught the flight I lost altitude, airspeed and climb decend indications. So basicaly flying in true VFR. Only gauge as to what was happening was what I saw and felt. All in all a valuable experience.

My next flight was on the 26th November where myself and Instructor Dave took to the skies to nail Instrument flying hours that are required by law to be flown. Sadly I forgot to press play for the flight so you have been spared and hours worth of me wearing a set of goggles that make me look like I'm wearing 1970's prototype Night Vission Goggles. Big, Bulky, Uncomfortable and do what they are supposed to do...Stop me seeing anything apart from the instruments. Fortunatley all the hours spent on Microsoft Flight Sim X practicing instrument flying paid off. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. But one thing for sure is the sensations through your body are very different to what is actualy happening to the aircraft. Flying by 'the seat of your pants' will likely make you crash!
The onyl picture from that flight I have is from the start up process.
 You can see the GoPro Hreo Camera rig attatched to my Headset where I'm going to try and film from. Fingers crossed it works. I just need to convince Zero Alpha (my Wife) to let me get an GoPro Hero2. So much better!

Another reason apart from the weather that has stopped me from flying is work commitments. Not all bad as I've been up in God's Country (Scotland) playing in, sorry I mean training in Swift Water Rescue and Flood Water Boat Rescue.
Just another day at the office


  1. I have to ask... why do you call your wife Zero Alpha?

  2. 0A - Zero Alpha is a military communications term for a person in command - ie SWMBO(She Who Must Be Obeyed)


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